Membership Policies and Procedures
Note: This page is not being updated until we are fully reactivated after the pandemic – hopefully Fall 2021.
The Newcomers year is September 1 to August 31. Annual dues are $25 and payable May 1. After January 1, new members are required to pay $17, two-thirds of the annual dues. Membership renewal dues are delinquent after June 30.
Rosters are confidential and not to be used for solicitation. Each year, current dues paying members receive a Newcomers Club of Nevada County Roster. The roster includes the names of our Club Officers, Chairpersons, Activity Group Leaders, our Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and each member’s personal information. The rosters are labeled with each member’s name and distributed before the luncheons. If a member is unable to pick up her roster, other arrangements can be made with the Membership Chair.
New Member Receptions
Our Membership Officer, our New Member Reception Committee, and several member volunteers help to put on these events. The receptions are planned when there is a substantial list of new members.
Website –
Prospective members can find our membership application online at The website is updated monthly with information from our newsletters.
There are nine luncheon meetings each year. Luncheons are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except December) unless otherwise notified. Luncheon meetings usually begin at 11:30 am and our programs are usually scheduled from 1pm – 2pm. There are no luncheon meetings in July, August and November.
Our Communication Committee handles luncheon reservations. The policy is:
- Current dues paying members have top priority for a reservation if made in a reasonable time period.
- All reservations are secured by check which includes a luncheon choice. If a guest is included then the guest name and food choice is required.
- All checks must be made out to Newcomers Club, Newcomers, or NCNC.
- Each member may bring one guest per luncheon, based on space availability.
- Reservations are taken in order – 1) check box at each luncheon, 2) checks sent to reservations person and
3) a wait list, if necessary.
- Reservation cancellations are accepted before 5pm nine days prior to the luncheon. Payment is returned for cancellations, if received on time.
- If a cancellation is received less than nine days prior to the luncheon, the luncheon check is not refundable unless there is a person, from the waiting list, who can take the space.
Luncheon Raffle
- Our Ways and Means Committee sells raffle tickets at luncheons. These funds supplement our club’s annual budget. No raffles are conducted in October and December.
- Tickets are sold at the luncheon and raffle items are announced. The raffle drawings are held prior to our guest speaker’s presentation.
Community Table
This is the Historian’s responsibility. The table may include:
Each member of an Activity Group must be current on her club dues. It is the responsibility of the Group Leader to verify. If a substitute is needed, current dues paying members must be called first, due to insurance requirements.
The Activity Chair(s) will inform the Group Leaders of this policy each year.
Members receive nine monthly newsletters. No newsletters are sent in July, August and December.
Newsletters are sent by email (preferably) or by U.S. Mail.
The newsletters include a President’s Message, luncheon information, program information, committee announcements, new member information, raffle donation recognition, etc.
All information is to be sent to the Newsletter Committee per their requested date.
Board of Directors
President, Vice-President, Board Secretary, Luncheon Secretary, Treasurer, Social, Programs, Membership, and Communications
Chair Persons
Activities. Decorating, Historian, Newsletter, Publicity, Sunshine, Ways and Means, and Greeters
Special Event Chairs
Auction, Christmas Families Project, and Fashion Show
Board Job Descriptions
- Each Board Member and Special Event Chair (Auction, Christmas Families Program and Fashion Show) will provide a written, concise and current job description. The President and Board Secretary will keep binders with all job descriptions and Nominating Committee Procedures.
- Each Board Member and Special Event Chair shall review this description annually. Updated information will be given to the President and Board Secretary at the May Board Meeting.
- At the June Board Meeting, the binders, with the updated job descriptions, will be given to the President and Board Secretary. Each incoming board member and Special Event Chair shall also receive a copy of the job description for her position.
Special Event Chairs
The President shall appoint Special Event Chairs for the Auction, Christmas Families Project and the Fashion Show. The President may appoint other Special Event Chair Persons as necessary. Special Event Chairs will attend board meetings as needed. Each Special Event Chair shall, with a committee, plan, coordinate, conduct, supervise and evaluate the event and consider improvements for the upcoming year. Proposed changes to a Special Event should not be implemented without consulting the Chairs for that Special Event.
Executive Committee
The President, Vice-President, Board Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Committee. This Committee has the authority to act, in the intervals between regular board meetings, where immediate action is required. The President may call a meeting of the Executive Committee as needed. Minutes shall be taken and presented at the next regular board meeting. The Executive Committee can only authorize expenditures up to $100.
Policies and Procedures are adopted and amended by The Newcomers Club of Nevada County Board as a supplement to the Bylaws.